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March 20

Dive into our empowering session with Dr. Jane Foster and discover how you can grab the steering wheel of your life! 🚗💨 It's all about mastering your emotions and building resilience, no matter the bumps on the road.

Why press play?

  • Unlock the secrets of emotional resilience 🗝️

  • Embrace the power behind the steering wheel analogy 🛣️

  • Transform your emotional language for the better 📚

  • Learn the impact of connection, even if it's anonymous 🤝

Feeling like you're on a never-ending rough road? 🚧 Curious about how to navigate life's challenges with ease and confidence? This is the moment to shift gears and drive towards a brighter, more resilient future. 🌈

Next steps

  • 🔗 Watch the replay below and take control of your emotional journey today!

  • Want to buy Dr Jane Fosters book? Click here

  • Want to book Dr Jane Foster to come in and speak with your team? Click here


Grab the steering wheel to ...

Join us as we dive into an enlightening conversation with Dr....
March 13

Curious about a world that celebrates differences? 🌍☕ Watch the replay for an enlightening chat with Jodi Rodgers. 

Replay here

With over 30 years of experience, Jodi—a renowned sexologist, counsellor, and special education teacher—brings her wealth of knowledge from working globally in education, disability, and sexuality. 📚💼 Recognised from Love on the Spectrum on ABC and Netflix, she's on a mission to share the power of understanding and inclusivity. 📺❤️

In this engaging chat, you'll discover:

The beauty of neurodiversity 🧠🌈

Tips for inclusive workplaces 💼🤝

Insights into autism across cultures 🌏💡

Ready for a cuppa that could change the way you see the world? Join our conversation with Jodi Rodgers and step towards a more empathetic, inclusive community.

Want book Jodi to come in and speak to your team? Click here

Watch the full replay below 🤗☕


What autism can teach us ab...

Ever wondered what autism can teach us about the beauty of...
March 12

The Art of Balancing Ambition and Happiness: Lessons from Chibs Okereke

In the whirlwind of striving for success, it's all too easy to lose sight of what truly matters – happiness. But Chibs Okereke, during his enlightening chat on Cuppa (Watch it here), reminds us of the golden mean. "It's about striking a balance," he muses. "You can chase your dreams without losing yourself in the process."

Finding Joy in the Journey

Chibs emphasises the importance of enjoying the journey towards your goals. "Ambition is a driving force, but happiness is the fuel that keeps the engine running smoothly," he shares. It's a reminder that our pursuits should not only be about the end goal but also about savouring the steps along the way. The laughter, the learnings, and even the stumbles are all part of a rich tapestry that adds depth to our ambitions.

Setting Realistic Goals

One of the key takeaways from Chibs' conversation is the importance of setting realistic goals. "It's not about lowering your expectations," he clarifies, "but about setting achievable targets that push you to grow without pushing you over the edge." This pragmatic approach ensures that we remain motivated by our achievements rather than disheartened by unrealistic aspirations.

The Importance of Self-Care

Chibs also touches on a topic close to many of our hearts: self-care. "You can't pour from an empty cup," he points out. In the hustle to achieve our dreams, it's crucial to remember that taking care of our mental and physical well-being is paramount. Whether it's finding time for hobbies, spending moments with loved ones, or simply taking a break, self-care is what enables us to chase our dreams sustainably.

Navigating the Pressure

The pressure to succeed can often feel overwhelming, but Chibs offers a refreshing perspective. "Pressure can be a diamond maker, but it can also be a dream breaker. It's all about how you manage it." He advocates for a balanced approach to dealing with expectations – both our own and those of others. Recognising when to push forward and when to step back is essential in maintaining our happiness amidst ambition.

Embracing Failure

Perhaps one of the most profound insights Chibs shares is on the topic of failure. "Failure is not the opposite of success; it's a stepping stone towards it." This reframe encourages us to view setbacks not as endpoints but as valuable lessons that guide our path to success.

Final Thoughts

As we navigate the complex dance between ambition and happiness, Chibs Okereke's wisdom offers a beacon of light. His conversation with us is a reminder that achieving our dreams doesn't have to come at the cost of our joy. By finding balance, setting realistic goals, prioritising self-care, managing pressure, and embracing failure as a part of the journey, we can pursue our ambitions while also ensuring our happiness.

Let's take a leaf out of Chibs' book and remember, "Happiness and ambition are not mutually exclusive; they are two sides of the same coin. It's all about finding your balance."

Watch the full replay below 

Want to book Chibs to speak to your team? Click here


Mindfulness for Strivers

LIVE WELL MEMBERS ONLYEver felt like you're running a...
March 11

Harmony Unbound: A World Where Differences Unite Us

In an era where divisions seem all too common, doesn't the celebration of World Harmony Day shine like a hopeful beacon, urging us all to embrace unity amidst our wonderfully diverse human tapestry? At the heart of this year's observance, we find a deeply moving conversation coming up between Indigenous Leader Paul Callaghan and Fadi Chalouhy, a 'Stateless' man. Together, they illuminate a path towards cultivating a world where everyone, regardless of background, feels genuinely valued and included.

Find out more about the show on March 21st here

What's the essence of World Harmony Day, if not to recognise and celebrate the beauty in our differences, whilst also acknowledging our shared human journey? The Cuppa between Callaghan and Chalouhy isn't merely a conversation; it's an exploration into the depths of empathy, understanding, and acceptance. It serves as a potent reminder that our society's strength lies in our capacity to connect with one another on a profoundly human level, transcending borders, cultures, and beliefs.

Fadi Chalouhy's harrowing tale of statelessness puts a human face on the abstract notion of exclusion. Deprived of the basic rights that many of us take for granted, Chalouhy's story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the unyielding pursuit of dignity and recognition. His narrative compels us to confront the grim reality that many people globally face daily — a life where their very existence is rendered invisible.

Yet, amidst these adversities, World Harmony Day offers a stage for stories like Chalouhy's to be heard and for voices like Callaghan's to lead us towards understanding and action. It's a day for us to reflect on our collective duty to foster an environment where everyone, regardless of their status, can flourish.

But isn't the significance of World Harmony Day more than just a singular event? It's a collective call for each of us to contribute to building a more inclusive society. By engaging in open dialogues, listening to the stories of those different from ourselves, and challenging the structures that perpetuate division, we can craft a world where everyone feels truly valued and included.

The conversation between Paul Callaghan and Fadi Chalouhy on World Harmony Day is not just an event; it's a symbol of what we can achieve when we come together in the spirit of harmony. It challenges us to look beyond our preconceptions, to embrace our shared humanity, and to strive for a future where harmony, empathy, and understanding aren't just ideals, but realities.

So, as we embrace the lessons of World Harmony Day, let's acknowledge that whilst our differences define us, they don't have to divide us. Together, we can create a global community rooted in love, respect, and unity — a community where every individual, no matter their origin or circumstances, is recognised for their inherent worth and potential. Let this World Harmony Day be a stepping stone towards that more harmonious world, shall we?

Want to join our We Belong movement and get access to the show? Click here

Want to provide access to your entire team? Click here to send an enquiry

March 06

Breaking the Burnout Cycle: Sustainable Strategies for Women in Leadership

In the hustle and heart of the corporate world, where the lights never dim and the emails never stop, lies a hidden challenge that many leaders, especially women, grapple with - burnout. It’s a word we’ve all heard, perhaps too often, yet its impact on women in leadership roles can’t be overstated.

Jo Wagstaff, a beacon of resilience and authenticity, recently shared her insights on this very topic during an enlightening conversation on As someone who has not only navigated the rough waters of corporate leadership but also carved a path for others to follow, Jo’s experiences and strategies are a treasure trove for any woman aiming to lead without losing herself to burnout.

“Breaking down gender barriers was only a part of my journey,” Jo shared. “The real challenge was ensuring I could do so sustainably, without succumbing to burnout.” Her words resonate with many of us who juggle the demands of leadership with the desire to maintain our well-being.

But how exactly do we break this cycle? Jo offers some invaluable advice, grounded in her own experiences and the wisdom she’s gathered along the way.

Understanding the Cycle

Burnout doesn't happen overnight. It’s a gradual process, often creeping up unnoticed until it’s too late. For women in leadership, the pressure to perform, to prove, and to pioneer can amplify this risk. “I was my own worst enemy,” Jo admits, highlighting a common trait among high achievers - the harsh inner critic that drives us to overextend ourselves.

Top Tips for Sustainable Leadership

  1. Embrace Authenticity: “Lead, not as you’re told, but as you are,” Jo suggests. Embracing your authentic self in leadership isn’t just about being true to your values; it’s about leading in a way that’s sustainable for you.

  2. Set Boundaries and Stick to Them: It’s easy to say yes to everything, but knowing when to say no is critical. Jo advises, “Ask yourself, what am I saying yes to, and at what cost?” Boundaries help protect your energy and your time, both precious resources in the fight against burnout.

  3. Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself. Leadership comes with its share of trials, and not every decision will be perfect. Jo emphasises the importance of self-compassion as a tool for resilience. “Soft and fluffy as it sounds, self-compassion changed my life,” she reveals.

  4. Prioritise Well-being: This goes beyond the occasional spa day. True well-being encompasses physical, mental, and emotional health. Jo encourages leaders to find what replenishment looks like for them and make it a non-negotiable part of their routine.

  5. Seek and Offer Support: No leader is an island, and building a supportive network can be a lifeline in challenging times. Likewise, be that support for others. Leadership is as much about lifting others as it is about guiding them.

Ready to watch?

Jo’s conversation on is a goldmine of insights (watch here), not just for women in leadership but for anyone seeking to lead authentically and sustainably. If you’re looking for more wisdom, strategies, and perhaps a bit of inspiration to break the burnout cycle, I highly recommend watching the replay of Jo’s interview on It’s not just an interview; it’s a roadmap for resilient leadership.

In a world that often feels like it’s spinning too fast, finding sustainable ways to lead and live is more important than ever. Jo Wagstaff’s journey and advice remind us that while the challenges are real, so are the opportunities to overcome them. Let’s lead like we mean it, without burning out in the process.

Want to book Jo to speak to your team or for an upcoming event? Click here

Check out the replay below


Lead like you to beat burnout

Ever pondered the true essence of being authentically you?...
March 08
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Happy International Women's Day to our marvellous Cuppa community!

Here at Cuppa, we're passionately committed to championing gender equity in the workplace and dismantling the gender stereotypes that persist through all walks of life.

On this special day, we're wholeheartedly embracing the United Nations theme: 'Count Her In: Invest in Women and Accelerate Progress'. But what does this theme truly mean for us?

It's a call to action—to enlighten organisations that remain indifferent to the gender pay gap, as highlighted in the recent WGEA report. It's a mission to inform men about the critical role they play as allies of change and to illuminate the myriad benefits of investing in women.

We're talking about giving a comprehensive overview of the challenges faced by women striving for success in their careers, about urging men to embrace parental leave and shatter societal norms.

It's about imparting wisdom to women on achieving financial stability and preparing for the future. It's about transforming dialogue into tangible action.

So, what's on your agenda today? Which conversations will you ignite?

Just yesterday, we facilitated a panel discussion at the fantastic International Towers in Barangaroo, spotlighting three phenomenal women from our Cuppa community: Yasmin London, Sandra D'Souza, and Betsy Westcott. The event was nothing short of inspiring—a remarkable exchange of ideas in an extraordinary setting.

And there's more—would you like to be part of our International Women's Day event today, featuring Gill Hicks, Betsy Westcott, and Sandra D'Souza? Click here to discover more and join us in making a difference.

Let's make this International Women's Day not just a moment of celebration but a milestone in our journey towards genuine gender equality. What conversation will you start today?

March 07
• Edited (Mar 07, 2024)

Unlock Your Potential: Why Mindfulness is the Key for Strivers

In a world that never sleeps, where the hustle is glorified, and the boundaries between work and life blur, the quest for success can often lead us down a path of stress and burnout. But what if the secret to achieving more was not in doing more, but in being more present, more mindful of the moment at hand? This is the powerful conversation we are set to explore in our upcoming show with Chibs Okereke, the renowned voice of calm and mindfulness on the Calm app, exclusively for members of the Live Well Movement.

The Challenge of Chronic Stress

We live in times where the pressures and demands of our daily lives frequently exceed our capacity to manage them, leading to what we know as stress. This stress, when it becomes a constant companion, evolves into chronic stress, depleting all our coping resources and leading us to the brink of burnout. It's a state where negativity and cynicism thrive, and our performance and cognitive abilities begin to dwindle.

The Promise of Mindfulness

Mindfulness offers a beacon of hope. It's not merely a practice but a way of living that invites us to be fully present in each moment, aware of our thoughts and feelings without judgement. Mindfulness has the power to transform our approach to stress, enabling us to view challenges from a new perspective, enhance our decision-making abilities, and improve our emotional resilience.

Enter Chibs Okereke: A Guide for the Striving Spirit

Chibs Okereke, who has become a guiding light for many through his work on the Calm app, is bringing his wealth of experience to our community. Chibs is dedicated to helping strivers thrive, offering simple yet profoundly effective tools for mindfulness that promise to reduce stress, prevent burnout, and unlock our full potential. His approach is not about adding more to our already full plates; it's about enriching our lives by subtracting the unnecessary, the noise that distracts us from our true priorities and capabilities.

What to Expect from the Show

This exclusive conversation is more than just a talk; it's a journey towards discovering a personalised toolkit of practical stress-reduction techniques. Techniques that are designed to diminish negativity, cynicism, and stress, while simultaneously enhancing performance and cognitive ability. It's an opportunity not only to listen but to engage, to learn and apply strategies that can lead to a more balanced, fulfilled life.

WATCH THE SHOW HERE, Access the Transformation

The show is accessible through membership in the Live Well Movement, an investment in yourself that costs no more than a cup of coffee a month ($5). By joining, you're not just gaining access to this exclusive content; you're becoming part of a community committed to living well, in every sense of the word. Whether for yourself or your team, this is your invitation to embark on a journey of mindfulness, to navigate the challenges of life with grace, and to unlock the doors to your fullest potential.

Are you ready to transform the way you deal with stress, to move from merely surviving to thriving? Click here, and let Chibs Okereke show you how.

Want to provide access to your entire team? Click here to send an enquiry

February 28

How often do you trust your intuition? Do you even recognise what your intuition feels like?

In Western society, we frequently concentrate on data, results, and outcomes to such an extent that we overlook the guiding light within us—the voice that truly has our best interests at heart.

We had the pleasure of speaking with Laetitia Andrac, author of "Light It," on this compelling topic, a conversation that is essential for all business owners and leaders.

During our discussion, we covered:

  • The critical importance of intuition

  • Recognising when we are acting against our intuition

  • The principles of First Nations thinking and the necessity for Western society to embrace the wisdom they offer

  • The L.I.G.H.T framework

And much more. Click the video below to watch the full and free conversation. 


Are you ready to trust your...

How often do you trust your intuition? Do you even recognise...
February 28

Transforming Fear into Action: A Path to Unshakeable Confidence

Have you ever felt the icy grip of fear holding you back? It's a sensation we're all too familiar with—whether it's the fear of failure, rejection, or the unknown. But what if I told you that your fears aren't roadblocks, but rather signposts, guiding you towards growth and self-assurance? In a riveting conversation with Jaemin Frazer (which you can watch here), renowned authority on insecurity, we delved deep into this transformative idea.

"Fear is a natural part of the human experience," Jaemin begins, setting the stage for a journey into understanding rather than a battle to be won. "It's not about eliminating fear but learning to dance with it." This notion of embracing fear rather than fleeing from it might sound counterintuitive, but it's the cornerstone of true confidence.

But how do we start this dance? Jaemin suggests a simple yet profound shift: "Acknowledge your fear. Sit with it, understand its roots, and then, ask yourself—what is it really trying to tell me?" This introspection can illuminate the often-misunderstood purpose of our fears, revealing them as protectors trying to keep us safe. Yet, in understanding them, we can reassess whether they're serving us or holding us back.

This is where transformation happens. "Once you understand your fear, you're at a crossroads," Jaemin points out. "You can let it define your limits, or you can use it as a springboard to leap into action." But taking that leap requires a fundamental belief in one's ability to handle whatever comes next. "Confidence," Jaemin elucidates, "is not knowing you'll succeed, but knowing you'll be okay, regardless of the outcome."

So, what does this mean for you? Are there fears in your life that you've allowed to dictate your actions? What might happen if you viewed them as opportunities for growth instead?

Imagine the possibilities if every fear became a challenge to be embraced, a question to be answered, a mystery to be unraveled. This shift in perspective is not just about building confidence; it's about cultivating a life of authenticity, resilience, and, ultimately, fulfillment.

Jaemin leaves us with a thought-provoking insight: "The most confident people aren't those without fears; they're the ones who've mastered the art of turning their fears into steps on the path to greatness."

As you reflect on this conversation, consider the fears holding you back. How can you transform them into action? Remember, the journey to confidence is paved with the stones of our fears, faced and conquered. Let's start walking that path today.

Join our 'LIVE WELL' movement for the price of a Cuppa a month ($5) and get access to exclusive shows like Jaemin's Lunch and Learn conversation here

Want to book Jaemin in for a private talk with your team? Enquire here 

February 25

Ever feel like you're stuck in the "I know I should, but..." loop? 🔄 Meet Paul Taylor and his game-changing EASIER framework, designed to leap from thought to action. 🚀

In an engaging chat, Paul spills the beans on a method that's, well, easier than you'd think. But we're not giving away the magic just yet. Why watch the video? Because it's packed with insights that could be the nudge you need to finally make those changes stick.

Curious? Discover how to align your brain, your environment, and your habits to not just dream big, but achieve big. No more spoilers, just a promise: You'll leave with a toolkit for turning "someday" into "today."

Dive in below, and let's transform your potential into reality. Your journey to "I did it!" starts here. 🌟


Unlock Your Potential: The ...

Ever feel like you're stuck in the "I know I should, but..."...