Cuppa Concierge

Sydney, Australia


Jul 26 at 02:10 PM

The Missing Piece in the Climate Puzzle 

We had an incredible conversation with Tim Hodgson, diving into his groundbreaking insights on "The Missing Piece in the Climate Puzzle." Tim's passion and knowledge about climate change are truly inspiring, and we couldn't wait to share this eye-opening discussion with you all!

Watch the replay here:

What you'll learn:

  • 🌍 The overlooked factors: Discover the crucial elements that are often missing in mainstream climate conversations.

  • 🌿 Holistic approaches: Understand why integrating diverse perspectives is essential for effective climate solutions.

  • 🔬 Innovative strategies: Learn about cutting-edge methods and technologies that can make a real difference.

  • 📊 Data insights: Tim breaks down complex data into understandable pieces, showing the real impact of various climate initiatives.

  • 🌱 Actionable steps: Get practical advice on what you can do to contribute to climate solutions in your daily life.

Don't miss this engaging and informative interview. Tim's insights might just be the missing piece you need to see the bigger picture in the fight against climate change.

Watch now and join the conversation!

If you want to meet with Tim and Cuppa to support please fill out an enquiry by Clicking Here


The Missing Piece in the Cl...

We had an incredible conversation with Tim Hodgson, diving...


Jul 24 at 07:04 PM

MILK: The Untold Story

Join us for an enlightening conversation with Matthew Evans, the author of "Milk: The Truth, the Lies and the Unbelievable Story of the Original Superfood." In this engaging and eye-opening discussion, we dive deep into the world of milk, exploring its transformation from grass to glass, debunking common misconceptions, and uncovering its vital role in our diets and cultures.

Watch the replay here:

What You'll Learn:

  • The natural marvel of how milk is produced from basic elements like sunlight, water, and grass.

  • The surprising truth about full-fat dairy and heart disease – why the old belief is incorrect.

  • Environmental impacts of dairy farming and how they vary across different regions.

  • The historical and cultural significance of milk and its revered status in many societies.

  • The differences between dairy milk and plant-based milks, and why the latter might not be as nutritious as you think.

  • Health benefits of milk, including its immune-boosting properties and impact on DNA.

  • Economic and social challenges faced by dairy farmers and the importance of supporting local, sustainable dairy products.

  • Fascinating historical facts about milk and its various forms across different species.

If you've ever poured milk into your tea without a second thought, this conversation will change the way you see this everyday staple. Matthew Evans brings a wealth of knowledge from his experience as a chef, food critic, and farmer, offering fresh insights into the complexities and wonders of milk. Whether you're a dairy devotee or a plant-milk enthusiast, this interview will give you plenty of food for thought.

Want to buy the book? Click here

Discover the incredible story behind the original superfood!

Cuppa Crew


MILK: The Untold Story

Join us for an enlightening conversation with Matthew Evans,...


Jul 17 at 04:37 PM

Life Goes On: Navigating Trauma with Megan Maurice

Grab a cuppa and join us for an inspiring conversation with Megan Maurice, award-winning journalist and author of "Life Goes On." In this heartfelt interview, Megan shares her personal journey through breast cancer and the profound insights she's gained on surviving and thriving after trauma.

Watch the replay here:

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Survival Mode vs. Processing Emotions: Discover Megan’s take on the survival instinct during trauma and why it's okay if you can’t process emotions right away.

  • Becoming the 'After Person': Learn about the concept of the ‘after person’ and how to navigate the grief of losing your ‘before person.’

  • Kindness to Yourself: Understand the importance of being kind and patient with yourself during recovery.

  • Broadening the Definition of Trauma: Gain insights into how trauma isn't just about dramatic events and how recognising this can help in healing.

  • Intergenerational Trauma: Explore how trauma can change DNA and be passed down, with a focus on First Nations' experiences.

  • Building a Support System: Find out why having a network beyond your immediate family is crucial and tips on accepting help.

  • Practical Support Tips: Get practical advice on how to support someone going through trauma without overwhelming them.

  • Finding Gratitude: Hear how focusing on small victories can shift your perspective and aid in recovery.

  • Legacy of Wisdom: Be inspired by the story of Greg Harris, Megan’s primary school teacher, and his insights on managing trauma.

  • Therapeutic Writing: Discover how writing can be a powerful tool for processing emotions and healing.

Megan’s journey is a testament to resilience and the power of small victories. Don’t miss out on this enlightening discussion. Watch now and be inspired!

Want to buy the book? Click here

Cuppa Crew


Life Goes On - How We Survi...

Grab a cuppa and join us for an inspiring conversation with...


Jul 10 at 04:39 PM

Discover the Heartfelt Journey with Keri Kitay on!

In our latest interview, we had the pleasure of sitting down with Keri Kitay, the insightful author of The Long Goodbye: Lessons on Humanity from the Grips of Alzheimer's. Join us as we delve into a candid and heartfelt conversation about her personal experiences and profound lessons learned from caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's.

Watch the replay here: 

What you’ll learn:

  • Humanity and Compassion: Discover how Alzheimer's can teach us about the depth of human connection and empathy.

  • Coping Strategies: Learn practical tips for managing the emotional and psychological challenges of caring for someone with Alzheimer's.

  • Personal Stories: Hear touching anecdotes that highlight the resilience and strength of both caregivers and those affected by the disease.

  • Acceptance and Growth: Understand how embracing the journey can lead to personal growth and acceptance.

  • Support Systems: Gain insights into the importance of building and relying on a strong support network.

Keri’s eloquence and sincerity bring a unique perspective to the often challenging topic of Alzheimer's, making this interview a must-watch for anyone touched by the condition or interested in learning more about it.

Want to buy the book? Click here

Cuppa Crew


The Long Goodbye: Family Li...

Discover the Heartfelt Journey with Keri Kitay on!We...


Jul 05 at 01:10 PM

Join us for an enlightening and heartfelt conversation as we celebrate NAIDOC Week with the incredible Dr Paul Callaghan and the inspiring Mundanara Bayles

Watch the replay here:

We had an amazing and eye opening conversation, and here are just a few things we touched on. 

  1. Celebration of Culture:

    • NAIDOC Week is a time for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history, culture, and achievements.

    • It differs from Reconciliation Week, which is more about education and awareness, while NAIDOC Week is a celebration.

  2. Theme for 2024:

    • The theme for NAIDOC Week 2024, "Keep the Fire Burning Black, Loud, and Proud," emphasizes the resilience, strength, and pride of Indigenous communities.

  1. Mundanara Bayles' Story:

    • Mundanara shared her personal journey, including her deep-rooted family history in Redfern and her struggle with identity and belonging.

    • She highlighted the systemic challenges faced by her family, such as forced removal and racism, and her father's role in the civil rights movement.

  2. Resilience and Strength:

    • The stories of her parents and ancestors illustrate the resilience and strength of Indigenous people, especially in overcoming adversities like discrimination and forced assimilation.

  1. Life Expectancy and Health:

    • Mundanara discussed the low life expectancy in Indigenous communities, with many family members passing away prematurely due to health disparities.

  2. Institutional Challenges:

    • Mundanara emphasized the need for historical acceptance and institutional integrity in addressing the challenges faced by Indigenous Australians.

    • She highlighted the importance of truth-telling and reconciliation as steps towards justice.

  1. Celebrating Contributions:

    • The conversation celebrated the contributions of Indigenous people in various fields, such as the arts, science, and governance.

    • It highlighted the significance of Indigenous knowledge and practices, such as fire-stick farming and astronomy.

  2. Education and Awareness:

    • The importance of educating mainstream Australians about Indigenous history and culture was stressed.

    • The conversation pointed out the need for non-Indigenous Australians to engage with and support Indigenous communities and organizations.

  1. Collaboration and Support:

    • Mundanara and Paul both emphasized the importance of non-Indigenous organizations supporting Indigenous businesses and initiatives.

    • Building genuine relationships and understanding the needs and challenges of Indigenous communities were highlighted as crucial steps towards meaningful collaboration.

  2. Positive Change and Advocacy:

    • The conversation called for a collective effort to drive positive change, with a focus on celebrating Indigenous culture and addressing systemic inequalities.

    • Mundanara’s work with Black Card and her advocacy for Indigenous excellence were highlighted as examples of how to promote and support Indigenous achievements.

  1. Response to the Failed Referendum:

    • Mundanara discussed the emotional impact of the failed referendum on Indigenous communities and the need for continued advocacy and education.

    • She shared her proactive approach to developing programs aimed at reframing relationships and influencing decision-makers in the corporate sector.

Overall, the conversation was a powerful reminder of the importance of celebrating Indigenous culture, acknowledging historical injustices, and working collaboratively to create a more inclusive and equitable future for all Australians.


A Powerful Conversation for...

Join us for an enlightening and heartfelt conversation as we...


Jun 27 at 04:00 PM

Discovering the Power of Safe Workplaces with Yemi Penn

Join us for an enlightening conversation with the incredible Yemi Penn, where we delve into the vital topic of trauma and creating psychologically safe workplaces. Yemi, a British-born Nigerian living in Sydney, brings a unique perspective to this critical discussion. With her background in engineering and deep understanding of trauma, she offers insights that are both profound and practical.

Watch the replay here:

  • Acknowledging and Healing Trauma:

    • Yemi emphasizes the importance of acknowledging individual and collective trauma. She explains that understanding and addressing trauma is crucial for personal and organizational transformation.

    • Trauma, if not addressed, can manifest in various behaviors and impact an individual's performance and relationships at work.

  • Intersectionality and Identity:

    • Yemi's background as a British-born Nigerian living in Sydney provides a rich context for understanding intersectionality. She highlights the importance of recognizing the complex identities individuals bring to the workplace and how these identities can influence their experiences and perceptions.

  • The Role of Engineering in Trauma Work:

    • Yemi draws parallels between her engineering background and her work in trauma. The analytical and problem-solving skills from engineering help her approach trauma transformation methodically.

    • The idea of building infrastructure in engineering translates to building supportive environments and structures in workplaces to address and transform trauma.

  • Psychological Safety and Experiential Safety:

    • Yemi redefines psychological safety as experiential safety, emphasizing that feeling unsafe doesn't necessarily mean being unsafe. It's about creating an environment where individuals feel mentally and emotionally secure to express themselves and address their trauma.

    • Open conversations and genuine dialogue are essential for fostering experiential safety.

  • Trauma-Informed Leadership:

    • Leaders need to be trauma-informed and aware of how trauma can impact their employees. This includes recognizing signs of trauma, such as sudden changes in behavior or anger outbursts.

    • Yemi suggests that leaders should not only support their employees but also reflect on their own trauma and how it affects their leadership style.

  • Research and Documentary on Cultural Trauma:

    • Yemi is working on a PhD focusing on the transformation of cultural trauma, using an arts-based approach to create a documentary. This research aims to provide a framework for organizations to address and transform cultural trauma.

    • She introduces the concepts of "me-search" and "we-search," emphasizing the importance of individual and collective exploration of trauma.

  • Impact of Global Events on Trauma:

    • Recent global events, including the COVID-19 pandemic and wars, have exacerbated feelings of unsafety and highlighted existing traumas. The pandemic created a pause that forced many to confront their unresolved issues.

    • Organizations need to recognize and address these heightened sensitivities to maintain a supportive and productive work environment.

  • Organizational Culture and Long-term Effects:

    • Not addressing trauma in the workplace can lead to a toxic organizational culture, high employee turnover, and loss of valuable talent.

    • Creating a supportive environment where employees can address their trauma can lead to a more resilient and engaged workforce.

  • The Power of Conversation:

    • Open conversations about trauma are essential for healing. Yemi encourages leaders and organizations to create spaces for these discussions, even if they are uncomfortable.

    • Talking about trauma can prevent the buildup of unresolved issues and promote a culture of understanding and support.

  • Actionable Frameworks:

    • Yemi's research aims to develop actionable frameworks that organizations can use to address trauma. These frameworks will help leaders and employees navigate their trauma, leading to a healthier organizational culture.

If you want to meet with Yemi and Cuppa to support please fill out an enquiry by Clicking Here


Jun 26 at 03:00 PM

Energy: Get it. Guard it. Give it.

Join us as we dive into an energising conversation with Lisa O'Neill, the vibrant author behind Energy: Get it. Guard it. Give it. Discover how to master your energy to lead a more dynamic and fulfilling life. Whether you’re feeling drained, overwhelmed, or simply looking for a boost to get through your day, Lisa's insights are here to transform the way you handle your personal power.

Watch the replay here: 

  1. Understanding Energy: Lisa's book, Energy: Get it. Guard it. Give it., is centered around the concept of managing one's energy effectively. She discusses the importance of gaining energy, protecting it, and also the significance of giving it away, suggesting that energy is a renewable resource if managed correctly.

  2. Physical and Emotional Energy: Lisa shared her personal experience with adrenal collapse, which dramatically affected her physical energy. This led her to deeply explore both physical and emotional aspects of energy management, including how to recover and rebuild her energy levels systematically through diet and lifestyle changes.

  3. Spiritual and Mental Energy: Beyond physical aspects, Lisa delves into spiritual and mental energy, advocating for a deeper self-awareness and connection to things larger than oneself, which can provide a source of renewal and strength.

  4. Workplace Energy: The discussion highlighted the role of energy in the workplace, stressing the importance for leaders to manage not only their own energy but also to influence the energy of their teams positively. Creating a hopeful, energized environment can significantly affect team dynamics and productivity.

  5. Practical Tips: Lisa offers practical advice for everyday energy management, such as engaging in activities that refill one’s energy, being mindful of one's mental diet (e.g., media consumption), and the importance of having things to look forward to as a way to boost energy.

  6. Energy Exchange: A core theme of the conversation was the idea that energy should be exchanged and not hoarded. Sharing energy with others can lead to a more fulfilled and balanced life.

These insights can help individuals understand how to better manage their energy across different dimensions of their lives, from personal health to professional interactions, contributing to overall well-being and effectiveness.

Whether at work or at home, managing your energy is key to a happier and more productive life. Tune in to get energised and start living your best life today!


Jun 19 at 04:00 PM

Maintaining Poise Under Pressure: The Paramedic Mindset

Join us for an enlightening conversation with Leigh Anderson, a seasoned paramedic and the author of The Paramedic Mindset. Leigh shares his invaluable insights and experiences from over 15 years on the frontline, revealing practical strategies to manage stress and perform under pressure. Whether you're in the healthcare field or just looking for ways to handle life's challenges, this discussion is packed with wisdom and actionable advice.

Watch the replay here:

In this episode, you'll learn:

  • Psychological Skills for Stress Management: Discover simple yet effective techniques like box breathing, focus words, and visualisation to stay calm in high-pressure situations.

  • Preventative Mental Health Strategies: Understand the importance of addressing stress before it becomes a long-term issue and how these preventative measures can make a difference.

  • Empathy in Paramedicine: Learn about the unique challenges paramedics face due to their close contact and empathetic relationships with patients.

  • Training and Preparation: Find out why continuous learning and preparation are crucial for performing well under stress.

  • Mental Health Continuum: Explore the difference between mental health and mental illness, and how recognising and addressing the state of 'languishing' can prevent depression.

  • Control and Action: Get practical advice on focusing on what you can control and taking action, even in chaotic situations.

  • Purpose and Goals: Discover how having a clear, meaningful goal can help you endure stress and find motivation.

  • Science and Stories: Enjoy real-life stories and scientific insights that make complex concepts easy to understand and apply in your everyday life.

Leigh's passion for the human experience and his dedication to helping others flourish shine through in this engaging interview. Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain practical tools and insights that can help you navigate stress and perform at your best.

Watch now and be inspired!


Maintaining Poise Under Pre...

Join us for an enlightening conversation with Leigh Anderson,...


Jun 18 at 02:36 PM

How can we support and uplift refugees?

Join Us for an Inspiring Conversation on Refugee Week!

Are you ready to be inspired by incredible stories of resilience and hope? 

Tune in to our latest video on, where we had the privilege of speaking with Yvonne Kelly from Glow Up Careers and Yaser Naseri, a remarkable individual who shared his journey from Iran to Australia.

Watch the replay here: 

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Understanding Refugee Week: Learn why this week is so important and how it fosters a sense of belonging and freedom for refugees.

  • Yaser’s Courageous Journey: Hear Yaser Naseri’s gripping story of escape from political persecution in Iran, surviving dangerous boat journeys, and finding a new home in Australia.

  • Humanising Refugees: Break down common misconceptions and see refugees as the diverse, skilled, and resilient individuals they are.

  • Advocacy and Support: Discover the amazing work Yvonne and Yaser are doing through Glow Up Careers to support refugees in finding meaningful employment.

  • Building Empathy and Understanding: Understand the importance of listening to refugee stories to foster a more inclusive society.

This conversation is not just about sharing stories; it’s about changing perceptions and building a community where everyone belongs. Don't miss out on this eye-opening and heartwarming discussion.

Watch now on and be part of the change!


Refugee Week

Join Us for an Inspiring Conversation on Refugee Week!Are you...


Jun 12 at 04:41 PM

Easy target: Resilience Unleashed

How can we channel negative experiences into something truly unstoppable? 

We had the pleasure of sitting down with Adam Blum, the inspiring author of Easy Target: Taming the Black Dog in this engaging session.  Adam shares his deeply personal journey of overcoming bullying, depression, and life's challenges to find resilience and strength. This conversation is a powerful reminder of the importance of mental health, especially during Men's Health Week.

Watch the replay here: Easy Target: Resilience Unleashed

What You'll Learn:

  • Overcoming Bullying: Adam opens up about his experiences with bullying and how he turned his pain into strength.

  • Building Resilience: Learn the steps Adam took to build his resilience and self-worth, from finding the right psychologist to taking control of his physical health.

  • The Importance of Speaking Up: Adam emphasises that it’s not weak to speak; it’s courageous and can save lives.

  • Finding Your Tribe: Discover the importance of surrounding yourself with positive, like-minded people who support your journey.

  • Giving Back: Adam talks about his role in the New South Wales Rural Fire Brigade and how serving the community has given him purpose and direction.

  • Daily Practices for Mental Health: Get practical tips on journaling, setting small goals, and staying positive.

Key Takeaways:

  • Challenges can be overcome with resilience and support.

  • Speaking up about mental health struggles is a sign of strength.

  • Surround yourself with a supportive community.

  • Giving back can provide purpose and fulfilment.

  • Daily habits can significantly impact your mental well-being.

Tune in to hear Adam's story and gain valuable insights into managing mental health and building a life of purpose and strength.

Don't miss this heartfelt and inspiring interview and unleash your resilience!


Easy Target: Resilience Unl...

We had the pleasure of sitting down with Adam Blum, the...