February 07, 2024

Have you ever faced a situation where every decision could be the difference between success and failure? Imagine making these choices under the ocean's surface, in a submarine, where the margin for error is razor-thin. This is the world Ex Commodore Peter Scott of the Royal Australian Navy knows all too well.

In a recent conversation, Scott shared an experience that could easily be a script for a Hollywood thriller: the day he ran HMAS Collins aground. "We were screaming along the bottom, ripping underwater fittings and paint off," Scott recalls, painting a vivid picture of a high-stakes scenario. How would you respond in such a crisis?

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Scott's response was not about asserting control or diving into complex technicalities. Instead, it was about clarity and acceptance. "I just said one thing. I said, 'We're aground.' That little bit of clarity and acceptance of reality... they just immediately went, 'Oh, we're aground. We know the EOPs [Emergency Operating Procedures].'"

Isn't it fascinating how simplicity can be powerful in chaos?

But here's the kicker: Scott believes that every two years, the Navy prepared him for such transitions, each new job being a step into the unknown. "It's just a step in a different direction... I've actually got a bit of autonomy," he explains. How often do we view our career transitions as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles?

Scott's experiences underline a fundamental truth about leadership: It's less about wielding power and more about instilling confidence and clarity in your team. "It was just they just needed to know the situation as simply and clearly as I can place it," he says.

So, as we navigate our professional and personal submarines through the murky waters of uncertainty, let's ask ourselves: How can we apply Scott's lessons of simplicity, clarity, and self-confidence to our own high-stakes situations? Remember, sometimes, the power lies not in the complexity of our commands but in the simplicity of our communication.

As Scott's journey shows, the depths of the ocean can teach us a lot about rising to the surface in leadership. What will your next dive uncover? 🌊🌟

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