December 22, 2023
• Edited (Dec 22, 2023)

Let's Get Real Over a Cuppa: The DE&I Scene in Business

Hey there! Let's grab a cuppa and chat about something that's buzzing in the biz world these days: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I). We're in 2024, and it's high time we cut through the corporate fluff and see what's really up with DE&I. Spoiler alert: It's not all as rosy as it seems.

The DE&I Illusion

Okay, so every company and their dog are talking DE&I, right? But when you scratch beneath that glossy surface, there's a lot left to be desired. We're talking about gender equality, fair pay, and actually listening to those voices on the fringes. It's like rocking up to a party in a fancy dress but forgetting your dancing shoes. Looks good, but doesn't quite deliver.

What's Really Going On?

Why is there such a huge gap between what companies say about DE&I and what they actually do? It's a bit of a mess – old-school attitudes, systemic hurdles, and sometimes, let's face it, a sheer lack of real guts to make a change. Saying you're all about DE&I is one thing; actually making it happen is a whole other kettle of fish.

Time for Some Action

This is about getting our hands dirty and making a real difference. We've got to move from just chatting about DE&I to making things happen. True inclusivity isn't just a checkbox; it's about creating spaces where everyone gets a fair go, from pay to opportunities to being heard.

Dive Into the Deep End With Us

And hey, if you're ready to really dive into this, we've got just the thing. "Eggshell Conversations" is kicking off with a bang, and you're invited. We're talking with Yvonne Kelly from Glow Up Careers, and we're not holding back. This isn't your run-of-the-mill virtual chin wag; it's a no-holds-barred look at the real DE&I story in the business world.

Mark the date: Thursday, February 1st at 12pm. This is more than a talk; it's a call to arms for anyone ready to turn DE&I from a buzzword into a reality.

Your link to register for free is here: 

So, as we sip our cuppas and think about the future, remember: DE&I is more than just a fancy term. It's the key to thriving businesses and communities. Want to be part of the real change? "Eggshell Conversations" is where you need to be. Let's make 2024 the year we walked our talk. Catch you there! ☕💬🌟